Specialised Transport

A Wide Range Of Services For Special Needs In The Community
Within the Halton and Widnes area and the Liverpool City region, Halton Community Transport is a not-for-profit company which provides specialist transport services for people with particular needs. As part of our on-going expansion plans, we are now actively looking to serve a wider community with an ever growing range of services – and we encourage approaches from all individuals and local community groups requiring transport assistance. We are able to tailor-make our services to match your precise requirements, so please feel free to contact us to discuss how we can help you.
Hours of operation: 8.30am – 4.30pm,
Journeys cost just £3 each trip and the service can be booked by telephone from 9am the day before the journey (1st come basis for places on this limited bespoke service) Just call 0151 257 2414 to book from 9am (Medical appointments may be booked up to 3 weeks in advance).
(DAR Monday – Friday 9am – 4.30pm).
Funding Needed To Grow Our Business – And Our Training Schemes
At the same time, we urgently need additional funding in order to continue our current work and expand our service portfolio to satisfy a rapidly growing customer demand.
Extra funding would also help us to expand the training and education opportunities for drivers, mechanics, assistants and maintenance staff. If you are in a position to provide funding, then naturally we would be delighted to hear from you with a view to consolidating the financial support we require.
Extra funding would also help us to expand the training and education opportunities for drivers, mechanics, assistants and maintenance staff. If you are in a position to provide funding, then naturally we would be delighted to hear from you with a view to consolidating the financial support we require.