Transport Options

Dial A Ride
This service is available to all residents of Halton who cannot access or utilise public transport for any reason, including public transport anxiety. Membership is free and registration is simple, pick-ups are from your door to the door of your Halton destination.
Hours of operation: 8.30am – 4.30pm,
Journeys cost just £3 each trip and the service can be booked by telephone from 9am the day before the journey (1st come basis for places on this limited bespoke service) Just call 0151 257 2414 to book from 9am (Medical appointments may be booked up to 3 weeks in advance).
(DAR Monday – Friday 9am – 4.30pm).
Community Minibuses
Available seven days per week, this service provides safe, affordable Minibus transport for local community groups, clubs, associations other charities, disability or residents groups who are required to affiliate with HCT.
Affiliation is free and very easy to complete, trips may be made to any reasonable destination within the UK. HCT offer an inclusive service with vehicle and driver and charge based on the recovery of our costs under s19 Regulation (Transport Act 1985).
Self-drives are possible but the user/driver must have a full (clean of points) driving licence over 2 years driving experience, be over 25 and under 65 (our own insurance rules) and have a valid MiDAS Certificate. Self-drive users are also subject to a “non-negotiable £500 accident excess payment fault or non-fault”.